Have you ever looked at the ingredient list of your latest hair styling product? And did you understand everything listed and now know exactly what you put on your head each day? I bet the answer is ‘no’. Willingly, we decide to overload our biggest organ, the skin, with chemicals and all sorts of nasty things when it is absolutely unnecessary. Keep reading to see how all-natural and zero waste hair care looks like!
The skin absorbs everything you put on it. So why would we put something on one of your organs which we would never put on or in another organ inside of our body?
Two years ago I have decided to put only things on and in my body which I was also willing to eat. That meant that every time I finished a product I would go and look for a chemical and plastic free, natural, vegan version of it. If I couldn’t find anything, I would make it by myself!
Newly being on the minimalist lifestyle, I questioned everything: Did I really need a conditioner or expensive hair masks? What makes most sense for my hair? Which natural products are good for my special hair type and which are not?
Consciousness starts from a research. Let’s have a look at the most common bad boys in your list of ingredients.
Please remember that the products I use work for me but might not work for you. Everyone has their very own hair structure and you should embrace it just the way it is. Don’t give up on zero waste hair care if you have trouble finding the right way for you; there is a natural way for everybody!
Each day I include hair brushing in my morning routine. First, I comb out any frizz I made overnight with a wooden brush. Organic wooden brushes don’t contain any chemicals and leave the natural oils, which your head produces, on your hair. Make sure you find a high quality brush, as their bristles are smooth.
Second, I comb my hair with a boar brush, like this one. This will take up to 10 or 15 minutes because I comb carefully from my hairline along the round shape of my scalp into the lengths of my hair.
After I am finished, I flip my head and hair upside down and do the same: Comb carefully from your neck all over your head into the lengths, then flip my hair back and start all over. I will do this 3 or 4 times.
Do not put too much pressure on your head as the bristles of the boar brush might break.
The bristles do not have to be made of boar but it has to be a natural, soft material so the oils (called sebum) can be absorbed and then spread into the lengths of your hair. If you are vegan and want to avoid animal products I recommend this brush. It may contain sisal or agave fiber. Make sure that it does not contain bristles of any other synthetic material.
Once you are finished and look like Medusa, use your bamboo or wooden brush again to tame the hair.
Do this every day and you can get rid of all hair masks and conditioners because you give your hair exactly what it needs: the oils your own body exclusively produces for that reason – to protect and care for your hair.
Try to extend the times you wash your hair. Embrace your natural oils and be thankful that they protect your hair from any damage, especially in winter or while being exposed to the sun.
When it comes to washing, keep it as simple as possible. Try to find a product that does not include any or very few of the harmful ingredients mentioned above. If you try to go zero waste I can recommend hair soaps, for example Peppermint Shampoo Bar Soap. Some shops offer also zero waste packaging.
Wash your hair only once, never twice. This is totally unnecessary and leaves your hair super dry and vulnerable.
After washing, I like to rinse my hair with organic apple cider vinegar which I mix with cold water. For one rinse I use about 100 ml ACV and 100 ml water. Always rinse your hair with cold water so the hair structure becomes tight and protective again.
Once I am out of the shower, I knead my hair carefully with a towel and then apply a tiny bit of my favorite organic oil mixture. I only dip my fingertips in it, spread it all over my hands, and softly massage my hair ends. Be very minimalistic here, or it looks like you put your hair in a bucket of oil. Make sure to purchase only unrefined, organic, cold-pressed oils.
Here are some oils I absolutely adore:
Related Post: 20 Best Hair Oils for Your Perfect Locks
For more tips and tricks on a healthy lifestyle, minimalism, zero waste hair care, veganism, nutrition and living a holistic lifestyle, follow me on Instagram and YouTube!
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