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Beau Bollinger
Updated on April 17, 2021

A haircut can be the most powerful piece in a wardrobe, or it can also be completely unnoticeable. Some haircuts are so overdone that they become the focal point. Others lack the ability to even get noticed, or even worse, become noticed for negative reasons. Somewhere in the middle of all that, is a haircut that is most suitable for an individual. A haircut that somehow makes the person feel more like themselves and brings attention to the individual, not the hair. Here are some of my guidelines to individualized hair.

Work with What You Got

Natural texture is the MOST unique element to an individual. It’s like the fingerprint of hair. A haircut should work to encourage natural texture. Whether it’s kinky, curly, wavy, or straight, embracing this texture and cutting accordingly will make a haircut look completely your own. Additionally, when a haircut is cut to enhance the natural texture, styling it becomes much easier (think wash and wear). Types of Individual Haircuts

Change Comes in Many Forms

I try to make understanding a haircut as simple as possible for my clients. In layman’s terms, there are two major variables to a haircut. The visual length of the haircut and everything that lives within that length. The first is obvious, the second can be a lot of things, but for simplicity sake, think layers and bangs. A lot can change with the alteration of just one variable. Take someone with long, heavy, wavy hair and give them short layers, now the hair has life and the look is completely different while maintaining the length. The key is knowing how much change is needed. Just some bangs, layers, or length? Maybe all 3! Here are some of my favorite Before/After pictures:
Individual Haircutting Before Afters


Bring Attention to Your Eyes

A haircut should bring attention to the individual, not the hair itself. I like to find ways to draw attention to the eyes or cheekbones of my clients. Sometimes I use short layers around the face (always above or below the chin, not right at it). Bangs are a favorite option, almost anyone can wear them, and there are many options (micro, square, round, curtain etc.) However, sometimes a clean, one-length shape can have the most dramatic impact on drawing attention to the eyes, especially when the length is off the shoulders. Individual Haircuts For Brunnettes

Enjoy the Process

Not all change has to be dramatic. A good haircut shouldn’t grow out, it should grow into something new. If you are open to something quite different than where you are, explore the possibilities of a variety of looks getting there. Although change can take us out of our comfort zone, it shouldn’t feel forced. Here’s the example of one client over the years going long to short all at her pace and request:
Individual Haircutting Before Aters Part 2


Individual haircuts work like haute couture clothes, but they don’t have to cost you a ton of money. Follow my Instagram account @beaubollinger for inspiration, ideas and more!
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